Tag: walmart


with WALMART Happy happy F R I D A Y friends! This week flew by for me and I am starting to realize how close Christmas is! It is so crazy that Christmas is just TWO WEEKS away! Can you believe it??? I started the holiday season off strong, very prepared, had all my to-do…


Hello friends!! Have you started any holiday shopping yet?? I have to say I usually get my Christmas shopping done early, and am finished by Black Friday. this year I am already half way through my list, so I think things are going well hah! I wanted to make sure I get exactly what I…

toddler toys

with W A L M A R T the end of the year is a crazy time for us, not only because its holiday season but also, all of our birthdays fall at the end of the year! charlotte is in december and jax is in october! they are definitely at the age where they…